Sunday, May 19, 2013

Any chance I get, i walk kramer to the circle...we love it!
we celebrated mothers day...

I got my new shirt made for the subaru fest we're going to in June
i chopped off my hair finally!
we had an office finale dinner party with our so sad its over, that show is a classic!
On monday, magno texted me while I was working late asking if i've ever seen the wall bubble up before.  I knew immediately that something was wrong, and then he sent me this pic
Once I got home that night, the plumber, landlord, and our upstairs neighbor were all in our kitchen examining the issue..turns our the upstairs neighbors pipe leaked into our kitchen and was flooding the floors and walls with water. By the next day, I was not allowed in the kitchen & me and kramer had to be out of the house all day (i was NOT a happy camper seeing as how it was my day off and i had so many chores to do).  We went to petco then to my sisters and spent the rest of the day waiting for the plumber to call to let us back in.  

By the next day, the kitchen was turned upside down while the plumber removed the water heater from the closet outside. 
the new baseboards we just put in had to be taken off to dry and we had to have fans running for 48 hours straight to dry up all the water.  By the next day, it looked even worse. 
this all started monday and now its sunday, and the above photo is still how the kitchen looks.  No end in sight.  I'm a little frazzled to say the least. We have spent so much money on gross fast food this week & it looks like going into week 2 will be the same.  The plumber and landlord are in absoltely no hurry to fix it, and i'm positive that once we get the drywall up in the kitchen that its gunna be our responsibilty to paint...we have a hard enough time finding time/energy to paint even when its on our terms, so im pretty sure the kitchen will  just look like crap for months on end. =/

at least at work i get to look at pretty things

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

To start todays blog, heres some ridiculous photos of us playing badminton!
 And now I'm wanting to be a bride again more than ever since target has some really cute bridal shower stuff!

heres my finally finished tv stand! i bought 3 off craigslist for $5 each since we dont have a dining room and even if we did we would proably still eat in front of the tv!!
 I had my friend over for dinner, trying to get all my entertaining done now while its still someone cool in our place cause in a month or two it will be unbearable!
heres magnos other lady, roxy, at the doctor...her first visit! nothing was wrong with her, just some basic maintinence.  I just thought it was funny that its a mechanic shop for just subarus and the parking lot was full of them.  Subaru owners are like a cult, its the weirdest thing!

 We had one day where it was really hot so for dinner we walked to the circle and ate outside at the cutest wahoos cream afterwards was a must
 Heres a shot from style me pretty(the biggest and best wedding blog ever) that they took with the cakes from my work in the background and our macarons on the table:) Everyday im there I see how utterly HUGE they are and how its so well known by all the best in the indsuty, and i love that i get to be a part of that! One of the wedding planners we work exclusively with even came in to film because shes trying to get a wedding show picked up by style channel in which we would be featured im obviously hoping that happens so I can make my tv debut hahah;)

 I've also been busy with weddings of my own!  Paula and Rays wedding turned out great and the weather was perfect:)

 and lastly, heres kramer caught in the act!